FIND COMPANIES: Sort Ordering and improving your sort order


The Platform logically orders the search results on the following basis:

  1. Client specific supplier status, if applicable; then by
  2. Proximity (Country & Province); then by
  3. System Rating; then by
  4. Subscription package; then by
  5. Date of companies last activity on the platform; then by
  6. Alphabetical order, ascending

To improve your standing in search results, there are a few things that you can do, 

  1. Urge your suppliers and connections to rate your company.
  2. Your subscription package does contribute to your placement, where preference is naturally given to companies with a "higher" status package.
  3. Login regularly and make use of the system as best possible. The importance of this is that the system promotes integrity of connections, where all users will gain a sense of comfort that a company they choose to connect with will actively see and respond to their enquiry.

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