COMPANY PROFILE: Maintain and Update Information
You can view and maintain you Company information through My Company > Company Profile.
- Once registered on the Platform, there are certain mandatory fields which you will be unable to edit, such as your Company Registration Number and Company Type. These are required as unique company identifiers for your record for the purposes of compliance management.
- Should your record fail compliance due to a disparity between your registered name captured on your Profile, and your record on the Companies Register, you will be able to amend your name on your Profile, which will then be resubmitted for compliance.
- Where you do update information which forms part of one of your clients ERP integration fields, this information will be automatically pushed to your clients ERP upon submission of the update.
- Specific client requests to onboard (motivation to onboard) information can be found under My Clients tab for easy access.
- You are urged to maintain your profile regularly, ensuring that your contact information and product offerings are current at all times.
- We do appreciate that it is very frustrating spending time doing this, and then still not being included in sourcing opportunities. Unfortunately this is beyond the platform's control, but being up to date at all times will enhance your visibility, and provide you with a better opportunity of being noticed.